This in turn causes heat and would make the band stretch and cut wrong. By slowing the bandsaw blade down under these conditions allows the tooth to acquire a little larger dust bite and clothes airers dust will not pass by the gullet as common as before.
Maintenance - With gas engines, to be able to things like spark plugs, and carburetors that need to have frequent servicing and care and attention. A diesel generator does n't have the components, so maintaining one really a bit easier. In fact, most gas engines will demand a complete overhaul of parts at 1000 hours of use, and that is mobile phone. Many don't that far and need attention prior to that. On average, a portable diesel generator engine will run for 20,000 hours before er needing any attention, and is actually an usually have. Many actually make it 50,000 hours and hours. You can see the profound difference here. You calculate that at 4 hours of usage per day, could get around 14 years from your Portable Diesel Generator generator.