Physical Symptoms of Anxiety
The fight-or-flight response is created to aid us in escaping or 1738077.Xyz (Www.1738077.Xyz) facing danger, however, chronic anxiety can keep our bodies on alert and trigger physical symptoms. These could include:
Get regular check-ups. Untreated anxiety can cause heart problems and 1738077 other medical conditions. Talk to your doctor to find out how to manage these symptoms. For instance you can limit your the intake of caffeine and stay clear of the use of alcohol and recreational drugs.
Muscles that are tight
Muscle tension is a typical sign of anxiety. It can cause stiffness or pain in your back, neck and chest as well as in your hands, feet or 1738077 digestive tract. Anxiety can also affect breathing and posture.
The muscle tension that is associated with anxiety is often short-lived and typically disappears after the trigger incident or event has passed.
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