Bi Folding Door Repair Tips
bi fold door repair-fold doors are a great way to connect your indoors and outdoor. They're great for letting in sunshine and fresh air but it's important to maintain them properly in order to ensure they don't suffer damage.
There are a variety of common issues you might encounter with your bifold door. Luckily they're usually easy to repair!
Cracked Pivot Pins
You might have noticed that your bi fold repairs-folding doors are scratching across the bottom if you've added carpeting to your home or changed the flooring material. Luckily, there is an easy fix. The first step is to loosen the screw on the bottom bracket to move it horizontally, bi folding door Repair and then adjust the pivot pin. This will help raise the bi-fold door repairs near me so that it doesn't scrape on the floor. If the door is still scraping it, you'll need to remove the screw on the top bracket and then slide that one instead.
A bifold closet may also have a problem where the door's corner continues to fall off.
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