But ultimately if you’ve got concerns, give us a call, happy to sort it out. ’ve got a true foot drop, so if I say I was walking fine this morning, and I, now can’t lift my foot up and I’m dragging on the ground, that is not a conservative management that is let us know immediately, and I’ll take them to theater again that day, unless it’s a common peroneal nerve or other cause obviously. Ask your provider about how much you can lift. Talk to your health care provider about exercising during pregnancy. You should seek immediate care if you are experiencing severe pain, weakness in the arms or legs, balance problems, or changes in your bowel or bladder function. So it’s two, three and four, supply sphincter Yoga for back and cervical pain (just click the following article) bladder function. I think I might’ve seen at once, L three goes from the hip across the antr medial leg into the knee sometimes a little bit just beyond, and that is pretty common.