Ceptionally excellent throughout. Offer" faultless roadway performance. Cost ₤ 265; dep. Vehicle has actually been thoroughly inspected throughout by us. And we can truly recommend It being irreproachable. In every means. Condition, any type of test.
Definitely un- marked. 12,000 miles. Blue In colour, fawn natural leather trim.
4-door Trunk Sedan. Black with natural leather trim. Just recently upgraded throughout Exceptional appearance. 1937 MORRIS 23 h.p. 1st course mechanically, leather trim. 1938 HILLMAN MINX 10 h.p.
ANTED 1946 to 1950 Model PÔN T1AO,' OLDSMOBILE or BUICK. Should be excellent, clean vehicle, with low mile- age Immediate cash money for suitable car. Apply BAILEY'S, 253 Maroubra Bay Rd . HEVROLET 1946 to 1S50 Wanted.
This vehicle has wear" 6000 miles only and hu been prepared for caroma electric scooter accessories taxi us". Has been cut with H.D.