While proms might be one occasion that might necessitate the requirement for a limousine, can be not the only occasion generally there is. In fact, weddings are equally special logistics truck as well and vital probably utilize of limousines for this occasion that. A good wedding limo is something that you make use of in order to possess a special Vehicle occasion and probably remember it for a long time to come. Since time when you obtain married on the person really like should be as perfect as possible, you shouldn't skimp on any within the costs and must spend if for example the situation demands it, without thinking increase.
At 55 mph your reaction time is 60 feet. Now add in 160 feet for braking distance. That's 220 little legs. You just rear ended a 560 SEC Mercedes and doubled your insurance policy. The passenger is faking a sore neck and he has a brother in Century City can be an attorney specializing in personal stress.