A house-proud mum has revealed exactly how she keeps her whites looking brand new, despite having two young children, and it's super easy.
Carolina McCauley from Perth, Western Australia, shared a video to show her 2.4million followers how they can keep their white's looking whiter too.
The mother-of two starts the video by showing off her bed, 온라인슬롯 which is dressed in white linen and cream throws.
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Carolina McCauley has revealed how to make your white clothes whiter with simple steps
First she wipes out her washing machine, to make sure 'it is spotless', then she puts half a cup of Baking Soda in the empty drum.
Next she adds her white sheets before warning people to 'go easy' on the laundry detergent.
Next she adds a cap of hydrogen peroxide to the laundry detergent.
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