SMEG retro fridge freezer fridge freezer retro Freezer
The fridge line from SMEG is a fashion icon with its bright colors and rounded shapes. This Retro Fridge Freezer 50 50 fridge freezer also offers premium performance.
Reviewers online love the sleek design of this mini-fridge as well as its many shelves, from small racks that can hold butter sticks to tall shelves for water bottles. It's also Energy Star-certified and ADA-compliant with doors that sit about three feet high.
The FAB50 refrigerator from heritage brand combines retro american fridge freezer aesthetics and cutting-edge technologies. It's the largest model in the line-up and features a larger retro style fridge freezer uk/freezer combination that can easily meet a family's storage needs. It's also A++ rated and retro fridge Freezer 50 50 designed to make maintenance easier due to its "No-Frostair system that blocks the buildup of mold and frost."
With rounded corners, a glossy cream exterior, retro fridge freezer 50 50 and brass accents, this double-door fridge is an antique piece that instantly enhances the design of your kitchen.
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