Note:It is more important to do the Cable rotation exercise with good technique, not simply with as many pounds as possible. If you're a newbie and Overhead Power Line your core isn't strong enough even with little resistance, try bending your arms and standing closer into the machine.
Attach a single handle to a Cable. If you've got an adjustable-height pulley, set it to about stomach ranges. If your cable doesn't adjust, you may use either the bottom or high pulley, no gripe. The angle of the exercise will just differ.
Another useful Cable may be the 2 into 1 power cable. This has a single power plug on one end as well as IEC plugs on the other end. Found . you for running a computer and monitor from one plug socket, thus saving a electrical power for pv wire another electrical method. This type of two into 1 power cable can come in the uk from as little as ten pounds.