Biomagnetic therapy, a holistic therapeutic strategy that has gained popularity in the field of alternative medicine, is supported admirably by dr garcia biomagnetism dr luis garcia biomagnetism dr garcia biomagnetism dr luis garcia biomagnetism dr luis garcia dr. luis garcia luis garcia dr luis garcia md. Luis F. Garcia. With more than 15 years of hard work and dedication, Dr. Garcia has changed the course of numerous lives, popularized biomagnetic therapy, and won praise from the medical world.
A Journey Rooted in Heritage and Commitment
Dr. Luis F. Garcia's career in medicine has strong roots in the long history of medicine in his family. His constant dedication to helping people inspired him to research and advocate for biomagnetic therapy. By receiving a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Boston College in 1997 and a medical degree from Bogota, Colombia, in 2005, he made the first step on this path.
Dr. Garcia held the positions of Medical Director and Chief Science Officer at the prominent Salud Futura Clinic in Bogotá, Colombia, throughout his successful career until June 2010.