I had been cautious about foraging for mushrooms due to the marketed risks of eating certain wild mushrooms. Step 1: Wash, slice, and sauté the mushrooms in a large skillet over medium-high heat with butter, olive oil, salt, and garlic. To achieve Ekeyran, a spot so desolate no one has bothered to put it on a map, you must abandon the bustle of Baghdad for a 173-mile jaunt to the city of Samawah, dodge camel caravans while driving over to Al Salman district - onetime home to Saddam Hussein’s harshest prison - then find a Bedouin guide to drive you two extra hours deep into the uncharted desert plains near the Iraqi-Saudi border. As you'll have noticed, the extra "truffle-like" a mushroom evolves to be, from secotioid, to spherical with a columella, to a uniform inside, the extra probably it is to be discovered underground.