Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that grows in the lining of organs, including the lungs (pleura) and abdomen. It is usually caused by asbestos exposure, a grouping of minerals comprised of microscopic fibers.
Mesothelioma can develop anywhere between 20 and 60 year after exposure. X-rays and blood tests may aid in diagnosing Mesothelioma Attorney, well as reveal how far it has spread.
Pleural mesothelioma attorneys
Pleural mesothelioma lawyer occurs when malignant cells develop in the lining of the lung (pleura). Pleura is a two-layer of tissue that surrounds most organs. Cancerous pleural msothelioma is most often located in the lungs or the chest wall. It can trigger symptoms such as breathlessness, chest pain, and breathing difficulties.
Asbestos exposure is the leading cause of pleural mesothelioma lawsuits. Inhaling asbestos fibers can cause damage to the lung's lining. This can lead to inflammation and scarring, which can trigger changes that result in out-of-control cell growth.
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