Choosing a Macaw Cage
The right cage can make the difference in the life of a Blondie scarlet macaw bird pet. It can aid in bonding a bird and make it thrive.
A healthy pet should also have plenty of toys in the cage to keep the macaw parrot cost occupied and stimulated. The best way to choose the right cage for your pet is to make an informed decision.
Sinatra Macaws for Sale are the largest domesticated parrots and require a cage that can accommodate their size. These intelligent birds require plenty of space for exercise and play. They also enjoy engaging toys in their cages, which keep them active throughout the day. The cage should be at least 3 feet wide 2 feet deep, and 6 feet tall.
The recommended minimum cage size for Macaw cage macaws is 1.5 to 2x the size of the bird's wingspan in order to allow them to move and Macaw Cage exercise. If you decide to include perches, toys and food stations to the cage, this will take up more space and leave less room for why are the glaceous macaw and hyancith macaw so Alike ( the bird's wings.
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