pfizer sildenafil 100mg -; Viagra for … Cancer Prevention? The production of Viagra takes some pretty complicated chemical transformations that use very technical and very expensive equipment. The perils of chemical exposure are also primarily tested on men without regards to the fact that women are, on average, smaller and weigh less with thinner skin and more body fat. But the drug appears to increase levels of a chemical called GMP, which is known to affect the intestinal lining, the researchers said. When the researchers gave the drug to mice that were prone to developing colorectal cancer, the drug was linked to a 50 percent reduction in the number of precancerous polyps that formed in the animals' intestines, compared with mice that weren't given the drug.
The "little blue pill" could one day have a surprising use: as a cancer prevention drug. The study was published in the July 2017 issue of the journal Cancer Prevention Research.