The founding group at Darwin Labs had also launched an accelerator for startups working in the blockchain area, known as Satoshi Labs, and had raised some funds from Bhardwaj, who also joined the accelerator as a mentor. Aside from GainBitcoin and GBMiners, Bhardwaj’s Amaze Bitcoin and Blockchain Research owns and operates Bitex, a Bitcoin change, Paybitz, a bitcoin fee processor, and Coinbank, a Bitcoin wallet. The mining operations happen in China and there are a number of online videos of GainBitcoin investors visiting these mines in China. Though there is no mention of Bhardwaj or the group behind Bitcoin Growth Fund on its site, Bhardwaj’s private site says he's the founder of MCAP Labs. William Dickens, college distinguished professor of economics and public policy at Northeastern, says that he doesn’t imagine crypto losses experienced this yr and in the future will likely be "big enough" to derail the U.S.