"With the world in a pandemic, holding mega-sporting events including the Olympic Games demands a deep review and broader consultations than are occurring now, including with athletes and their representatives," Schwab said in a statement.
In Bangladesh, these turtles fetch anywhere between Rs 700 and 8 kets.' While near Chambal River in UP, a turtle would sell for Rs 60-100 per kg, in Bengal the price could be as high as Rs 400-500 per kg.
The smaller Indian Star Tortoise is routed to Hong Kong and Thailand to be sold as pets,' said Dr. Shailendra Singh, Turtle Survival 'Here the soft flesh is consumed and dried shells are powdered for medicinal use.
802.11 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers maintains a list of industry standards for a broad range of technologies. Internet network connectivity happens to fall in the 802.1 to 802.12 range, with the 802.11 designation pertaining specifically to wireless local area networks. So, 802.