Rollators UK
Rollators (also called wheeled rollator lightweight walkers for seniors) are a stable aid for walking with wheels, four wheel rollator walker handlebars, brakes and often a seat. These are ideal for people with balance issues or who require assistance in getting around.
When choosing a four wheel rollator transport chair rollator mobility walker (, Four wheel Rollator walker factors to consider include upper body strength, handling and whether it comes with a built-in seat. Other options to consider include a shopping basket, walking stick holder and brakes that are able to be pulled down.
Roma Medical
Roma Medical manufactures a full range manual wheelchairs including self-propelled, transit and bariatric models. Their products are made to meet the highest standards of international quality and rollators and walkers - ai-db.Science - are priced very competitively. They also offer top quality wheelchairs for children.
In 1996, the company moved to a new location with 15,000 sq ft on the Llandow Business Park located in South Wales.