Swan retro fridge freezer frost free SR11010 retro fridge freezer 50/50 Freezer
This Swan SR11010 refrigerator freezer will bring frost free retro fridge freezer style fridge freezer uk - Recommended Browsing, chic design to your kitchen. It comes in a range of vintage-look shades and has modern A+ energy efficiency.
The capacity of 208 litres is divided between 4 shelves that can be adjusted as well as salad crisper in the fridge. There are also three drawers in the freezer. Manual defrosting is required.
This classic Swan fridge freezer will add a touch 50s retro style fridge freezers to any kitchen. The fridge has a net capacity of 209 litres. It is divided between four adjustable shelves as well as a salad crisper, an area for storage in the refrigerator. There is also a chrome wine rack and storage drawer inside the freezer.
This model is part of the Vintage Refrigeration collection by Swan. It blends A+ energy efficiency and retro Style Fridge Freezer Uk classic best retro fridge freezer looks. It's a compact design that's ideal for smaller spaces, but it still offers plenty of storage.
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