The poor old patient has much to tussle with beyond typical struggles with parking. Fundamental thing this, need to put at the healthcare experts who will neglect the fact how the healthcare visit starts and ends light and portable car park, and not do an issue about it's. Airports have mastered this approach sometime ago, with the understanding certain customer has their first 'touch-point' at the car park, believing how the arrival through which the check-in desks as well as the retail lobby can just helped by setting the mood, costly, so installing good experience through vehicle park first. Parking Management Systems is the conduit to deliver the passenger to the airlines and retailers. Is Hospital parking any very different?
If obtain areas for improvement, avoid a punitive tone and explore motives for the problem. Approach a person need learn in a positive way and ask your front-line people which will help devise workable solutions which get buy-in and raise pride in the job.