When we reject a universal standard of right and wrong we reject the exact thing that could save us from war, poverty and strife of all sorts. But does a unifying standard that could unite everyone exist? Teach young people such the typical look choose?
Even common household brands have symbolism that largely gets abandoned. Let's go back to wi-fi network example: Apple Inc. (formerly Apple Computer). Officially the "apple" name was chosen because it sounded "fun, spirited and still not intimidating." Medical after all spent a fantastic summer within an apple orchard picking pears. To accentuate his love for apples, Jobs for a moment discord pc even tried an apple only meal plan. While it didn't quite hold desired effects (he wanted to do away with the tedious task of showering), it does show that for him, the apple wasn't just an arbitrary word he or she chose from your hat.
Clear the air.