Key Cutting in Aylesbury
Surelock Homes Security is a shop in Friars Square Shopping Centre that offers various services that include key cutting. They also offer engraving, blown double glazing repair of shoes, double glazing Repairs near me gifts and much more. They are CRB - and police-checked and have been in business for more than 40 years.
To duplicate keys, the flat key is put in a vise, and then cut on the blank. This creates an identical key to the original.
Car key duplication
Not so long ago when you lost your car keys, new windows near me you could go to the window doctor near me closest hardware store or home improvement retailer to get a replacement. You're more likely to need to call a locksmith, or take your car to the dealership for a new key. There are mobile locksmiths who can duplicate your key. They'll cut and program the new key right on the spot, which will save you both the cost of getting your car towed and the cost of the rental while you wait for your dealer to get you a new Windows near me key.