DerekFurnel's profile

DerekFurnel DerekFurnel's profile
10 Sunnyside Road, 5343, Gerard, Case Gerardi, Sardinia, Australia
1 active listings
Peronal seller
Last online 4 months ago
Registered for 4 months
About seller
I'm Rueben and was born on 27 October 1972. My hobbies are Judo and Petal collecting and pressing.

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DerekFurnel DerekFurnel 4 months
Facts On Roofing Material - Is Metal Good For Roofing?
88.00 $
Facts On Roofing Material - Is Metal Good For Roofing?
Once to be able to a slate floor laid in your kitchen, chance is are you actually will leave the property before the floor does! slate is incredibly long-lasting, extended period of time you consider how easy it can be always to maintain this job does provide you with great choice when it comes to your home area. Regardless what you drop on it, spill on it o...
4 months Advertising - Public Relations 5343 - 10 Sunnyside Road 17 views
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