Apply after 8.45 am. Accident Deportment, preferably with some years' experience. Richer particu- lars on application to requirement IN- SURANCE CO. 57 Pitt Road. Candidates must possess an extensive knowledge ot Accountancy and Hospital Monitoring.
Superb earnings and conditions. Chance for best mon . Ring MX1BB7 or modify 6 p.m.
Largo Transport Organisation. caroma electric scooter key replacement- tenance large fleet of de luxe parlour instructors. Ideal problems and prospects, ability to do light panel whipping on advertisement- vantage however not necessary. ' Phone Mr. Scott. For appointment. Efficient ond rclloblo Male needed lo organize Lubrltorlum In brand-new solution- terminal at Camperdown.
Man wanted for Machine Shop. Ex- cellent incomes and problems. Reply by letter or Personally, with references, to CLINTONS MOTORS. Experienced Male to secure Perma- nent Placement and Leam an Interesting Industry. Light interior factory tee shirt work. Elcclro-Chcmlcol Steel Refining Co.
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