Bi Fold Door Repairs Near Me
bi fold door repairs near me-fold doors are ideal for connecting your home's internal spaces to outdoor areas. They are usually glazed, and provide an uninterrupted view.
They're also extremely secure, with some even offering eight points of locking around the frame. However, like any door they are susceptible to damage or need repairs over time.
Frames that are damaged or broken
If your bifold door repairs doors are stuck when you open or close them, it's because the bifold door repair frame is not aligned with the hinge bolts. This can be easily repaired by loosening the top bracket screw and moving it slightly to straighten the bifold door repair bracket, then sliding the bottom pivot into place until there is a sufficient gap between the door Bi Fold Door Repairs Near Me frame and the floor.
The frame of your home's wood structure could expand or contract over time depending on the humidity in your home. This could cause the track and hinges of your bi-fold doors to misalign or move.
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