Maintenance - With gas engines, you've things like spark plugs, and carburetors that want frequent servicing and interest. A portable diesel generator generator does not have the components, so maintaining one fairly a bit easier. In fact, most gas engines will do you need a complete overhaul of parts at 1000 hours of use, understanding that is an average. Many don't insure that it is that far and need attention prior to that. On average, a 150Kw Diesel Generator engine will run for 20,000 hours before er needing any attention, and with this increasing an moderate. Many actually make it 50,000 hours. You can see the profound difference here. A person have calculate that at 4 hours of usage per day, you will get around 14 years from your diesel generator.
Now I am not so sure prediction is inevitable. Fracking underground oil deposits coincided with that initial solar expansion, providing a new lease on dominance through the fossil fuel industry. Now it's all I hear about in manner media.